Process HTML

It's likely you'll need some kind of HTML processing to turn templates, layouts, partials, and data into full HTML documents you can use.


  • Commit only authored files to the repo
  • Minify production code

Relevant Tools

Process CSS

It's likely you'll use some kind of CSS processing on a site.

This site will assume a Sass setup, but it could be all PostCSS, or Stylus and Autoprefixer, Tailwind and PurgeCSS and cssnano, etc.


  • Lint & Prettify authored files
  • Commit only authored files to repo
  • Concatenate & minify production code
  • Create sourcemaps

Relevant Tools

Process JavaScript

You may want to preprocess your JavaScript, allowing for use of modern features that may not be supported in as many browsers as you'd like to support. But you may also want to split up your authored JavaScript for readability.


  • Only commit authored files to repo
  • Concatenate & minify production code
  • Create sourcemaps
  • Code splitting (only load what is needed at the time)
  • Tree shaking (remove unused code)

Relevant Tools

Optimize Images

Images are often the heaviest assets on any website, and are notoriously served under optimized, despite the fact that optimizing images isn't particularly difficult. Beyond optimization, serving the correct size and format image for the circumstance can go a long way.


  • Keep the highest quality images around (but not in repo itself)
  • Optimize every single production image
  • Use responsive image syntax in the HTML
  • Lazy loading
  • Serve the best image formats that are supported (e.g. create and serve .webp when possible)
  • Use muted, autoplaying, looping <video> instead of GIFs

Relevant Tools

Run Unit Tests

Make sure your JavaScript is doing what you wrote it to do, by writing unit tests and making sure those tests pass.


  • Run your unit tests on every commit
  • Don't deploy Pull/Merge requests if the tests fail
  • Notifications for failures

Relevant Tools

Run End-to-End Tests

Make sure your website is doing all the important things it should be doing. End-to-end tests are great for testing whole usage flows like visiting a URL, clicking a button, and making sure a certain modal is open with the correct text in it. Or going through a sign up process.


  • Run your end-to-end tests on every commit
  • Notifications for failures

Relevant Tools

Run Accessibility Tests

You should prevent yourself from shipping any easily preventable and detectable accessibility problems by running automated accessibility testing tools.


  • Run your accessibility tests on every commit
  • Notifications for failures

Relevant Tools

Run Visual Regression Tests

Prevent yourself from making unwanted visual changes to a site by comparing screenshots and ensuring that the changes you made are the changes you want.


  • Run your visual regression tests on pull requests coming into Master.
  • Notifications for failures

Relevant Tools

Test Against Performance Budget

Make sure your website doesn't regress in performance by testing all changes against your established performance budget.


  • Run your performance tests on every commit
  • Notifications for exceeding budget

Relevant Tools

Build a sitemap

If your site is large/complex (over 500 pages), search engines like Google suggest a sitemap so they can more intelligently crawl your site.


  • Produce sitemap files only for production
  • Check for broken links

Relevant Tools

Send Notifications


  • When important things happen in a build process, notify the right people.

Relevant Tools

  • Slack, Discord
  • Email sending APIs like Sparkpost, Mailgun, etc.
  • SMS sending APIs like Twilio